Tuesday 6 December 2011

Two Week Comic Strip

Comic Strip two week task.

Lip Sync Designs-Continents

My second lip sync design was based on continents such as (B,M,P,F,T,V) they all rely on the characters lips to create the sound so the mouth is always closed. By combining these main vowels and continents together it will put together a basic first lip sync.

Lip Sync Designs-Vowels

After designing the character for my lip sync I drew out mouth movements that the character would use when saying certain letters and sounds. These images are showing all vowels (A,E,I,O,U) which show the mouth open.

Life Drawing 07/11/2011-Shading

For the first lesson of life drawing I used a very scratchy technique of drawing as that is how I have normally drawn. I like to use a thick graphite pencil and fill in darker areas on the body to create shadows.

Life Drawing 05/12/2011-Detailed Close Ups

I chose 4 sections of the body to zoom in to and to draw in more detail. I had to be very careful with my mark making with these drawings and really look at what i actually see rather than what i think should be there.

Life Drawing 05/12/2011-Line Drawing

By the third lesson of life drawing I was really getting used to using line. My mark making was far more accurate and i didn't feel i had to rely on scratchy lines to cover up mistakes.

Life Drawing 21/11/2011-Rotating Animation

For this animation I drew a line drawing of the model and then moved slightly to the left to draw the next frame. As i moved around the circle I could draw the model at all angles. When all the frames are combined in a line test the image is rotating at 360 degrees, showing different views around the body.

Life Drawing 21/11/2011-Line Drawing Graphite

Line drawing using graphite. I feel like i am progressing in my line drawing now and am more confident with mark making.

Life Drawing 21/11/2011-Left Hand

The second lesson of life drawing was very focussed on line drawing and developing the skills to draw the body accurately and correctly. These were drawn with my left hand. I used to my left hand to realise the concentration I should have with my right hand to get the lines accurate.

Life Drawing 07/11/2011-Line Drawing

I found it hard to draw this first line drawing as i was tempted to keep shading in features and going over lines again and again when they were not quite right. The plain single lines have taught me to draw the shape of the body correctly using only line.

Life Drawing 07/11/2011-Contour Lines

To show the shape and roundness we drew contour lines around the body.

Life Drawing 07/11/2011-Quick Drawings

For the first life drawing class we concentrated on the shape on the figure and getting used to drawing exactly what we see. These first drawings are quick 10 second poses.

Ball Bounce 2

I wanted to create a second ball bounce but this time add more volume to the ball as it squashes and expands.