Thursday 12 January 2012

Forward Walk

I wanted to experiment with a few different walk cycles for my character walk. In this walk I used a front view as if the character was coming towards you. if I was to use this in my character walk I would gradually make the character bigger as it comes closer.

Character Walk 1

This is the first few seconds of my character walk.

LIp Sync

When it came to creating my Lip Sync I Found it quite a challenge to correctly match together my drawn frames with the talk. I used a dope sheet to help me with the timing of sounds and tried to make mouth movements as realistic as possible. I chose not to add teeth in to my character but just show a tongue, I found this had make the mouth movements easier to recognise.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Two Week Comic Strip

Comic Strip two week task.

Lip Sync Designs-Continents

My second lip sync design was based on continents such as (B,M,P,F,T,V) they all rely on the characters lips to create the sound so the mouth is always closed. By combining these main vowels and continents together it will put together a basic first lip sync.

Lip Sync Designs-Vowels

After designing the character for my lip sync I drew out mouth movements that the character would use when saying certain letters and sounds. These images are showing all vowels (A,E,I,O,U) which show the mouth open.

Life Drawing 07/11/2011-Shading

For the first lesson of life drawing I used a very scratchy technique of drawing as that is how I have normally drawn. I like to use a thick graphite pencil and fill in darker areas on the body to create shadows.